The major advantages of women entrepreneurs are supported by McKinsey research, which suggests that if women participate in the economy on par with men, global GDP could increase by $28 trillion by 2025, an increase of 11-26%. This also translates into a potential GDP growth of 9% in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as well as in the Middle East and North Africa.
The Be woman Forum provides a unique platform where women can discuss, share experiences and inspire each other to actively participate in the economy, business and culture, contributing not only to their own success, but also to the growth of regional and global economic performance.
Our mission is to help women change the way they think about themselves, for only a woman can truly understand and help another woman.
Our forum is an ode to the women of Central Asia, their opportunities and prospects in the modern world.
Предприниматель, генеральный директор Lotta Business Group, основательница и председатель сообщества «Женщины в бизнесе»
Best mentor of the EBRD Women in Business program, graduate of the TechWomen program, certified business tracker
Топ-менеджер с большим опытом руководящей работы в российских корпорациях и медиа-холдингах
Expert on international business and investment in the arts
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